Sunday, February 17, 2013

Yellowstone Falls" Yellowstone National Park-©ChelseaStarkh

Wine being falls ©ChelseaStark by
Yellowstone Falls" a photo by on Flickr. The Yellowstone Falls are in Yellowstone National Park near Canyon village.This is one of the most impressive waterfalls in North America.

The Lower Yellowstone Falls are in Yellowstone National Park, near Canyon Village. This is one of the most impressive waterfalls in North America.
There are many areas from which to view the falls. Nice distant views can be had from Artist's Points, or the overlooks on the north side of the Canyon. For a closer view of the falls, take Uncle Tom's Trail, which consists of a series of metal stairs that lead down into the Canyon.

Great white throne" ,Zion National Park

The Great White Throne is a highlight of Zion National Park, itself a world-class showplace of sandstone. The whole edifice consists of the Navajo Sandstone, one of the world's largest sandstone bodies. One of the striking things about the Great White Throne is that while its top is white, its base is red. It is thought that once upon a time the Navajo was a supergiant-class reservoir of petroleum. As the sandstone began to be exposed through erosion, however, the oil and gas escaped, along the way erasing the red sandstone pigments through chemical reduction. This would have been during Cretaceous time, when the atmosphere was extremely high in carbon dioxide compared to today. Whether the massive oxidation of the Navajo oil reservoir and others like it influenced the global atmosphere is an intriguing research problem.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A single Pink flamingo

Pink ©Chelsea Stark by
Pink flamingos, a photo by on Flickr.Via Flickr:
These famous pink birds can be found in warm, watery regions on many continents. They favor environments like estuaries and saline or alkaline lakes. Considering their appearance, flamingos are surprisingly fluid swimmers, but really thrive on the extensive mud flats where they breed and feed.

Orange Wild Flower study