Understanding of how photography can be used by blind people. By Blind photographer Chelsea Stark
Blind photography “I think, for me, photography means that I can pause the World around me so I can get a better view. Some key questions people tend to ask me are. What does art mean to me? The best way I can describe it is this saying I found. "Art is not the medium, and art is not the execution; art is the idea."While this opinion is debatable, it's one with which I happen to agree with and one that blind photography supports. Where do I find art? Art is every where and all you have to do is look. With the right amount of inspiration and ideas you can make art out of anything. Where do I find inspiration? I find inspiration in! The majestic mountain sides. The animal that stops and looks at you almost like they're posing so you can take their picture. And the newly bloomed flower that reaches out to the sun. Do I enjoy traveling as a visually impaired photographer? All I can say is when you get that amazing photo it's all worth it. What does beauty mean to me as a visually impaired photographer? I believe beauty is something that moves you and inspires you. I believe beauty is everywhere. Also I believe in the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." I hope this explains a little bit to you what photography means to me.
Chelsea Stark. http://chelseastarkcom.blogspot.com
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